5 things you need to know to buy a property without running into problems

Buying a house or any other property is not something to be taken lightly, as it can quickly become a source of disputes and problems.

It is therefore essential to understand the various stages and legal implications, and to be accompanied by a legal professional, particularly a property lawyer.

Here's an in-depth exploration of the five key stages you need to know and master.

1. Pre-purchase surveys - the trick to avoiding hidden defects and the discovery of hidden defects after purchase : before even considering a purchase, it is essential to assess the real condition of the desired property on which you have set your sights. It's not just about walls and tiles; it is about understanding the possible structural issues, hidden anomalies, leaks, infiltrations, humidity problems and other defects which could affect the property. This will also make it possible to quantify the cost of the work and therefore negotiate the sale price. Call an expert either before signing the compromise or just afterwards before the expiration of the 10-day withdrawal period;

2. The buyer makes an offer to purchase at the right price - watch out for the seller! Have you found the property of your dreams? Before you take the plunge, there's a tricky part to consider: the offer to purchase. This must be an accurate reflection of the value of the property, taking into account the state of the market, the geographical location and any anomalies detected. An offer at the right price ensures a fair transaction for both parties. Once the seller has accepted an offer at the right price, he will no longer be able to withdraw. All that remains to be done is for the sale to proceed, firstly by means of a compromis or promesse de vente, and then by reiterating the sale by means of a notarised deed of sale.


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Real estate agents and sellers: beware of duplication! 

Me Zakine dealt with a case where the estate agent sold the property twice to two different buyers, by means of an offer to purchase signed by the first buyer, whose attitude was very ambivalent, and a provisional sale agreement signed by the second buyer. One of the buyers (the one who had first signed the offer to purchase at the right price) took legal action to force the seller to sell him the property. Negotiations between the two potential buyers, the sellers and the estate agent, and advice from all parties, including Me Zakine, enabled the estate agent to resolve this difficulty. One of the buyers was able to purchase his property and the proceedings were terminated by the withdrawal of all the parties involved.

3. Notarised or private sale agreement : this step is crucial and precedes the signing of the authentic deed of sale before the Notary. The seller will promise to sell you his property under pre-established conditions, while you promise to buy it. This is a bilateral commitment consolidated by a security deposit paid by the purchaser.

In a promesse de vente, the seller makes a commitment to the buyer (also known as the beneficiary) to sell the property at a specific price. This gives the buyer an exclusive "option" for a limited period of around three months.
During this period, it is forbidden to abandon the sale or offer the property to another buyer. The buyer has an option period in which to decide whether or not to buy the property. In return for this commitment, the buyer pays the seller an immobilisation indemnity. If the buyer acquires the property, this indemnity will be deducted from the sum to be paid. However, if the buyer decides not to buy (except within the 10-day cooling-off period, or if a condition precedent has not been fulfilled, such as not obtaining a mortgage, or if the buyer does not indicate his acceptance within the option period), the indemnity will be retained by the owner as compensation for the immobilisation of his property.

Now is the time to pay attention to the clauses! Choose your own notary and involve a real estate lawyer

4. Authenticated or private sale agreement (instead of promise to sell) : Much more than a simple promise to sell, the preliminary sale agreement seals the deal between seller and buyer. Both parties are now committed to finalising the transaction, on pain of financial penalties. This preliminary contract is a key stage in the realisation of your property dream.

5. Deed of sale: the D-day has finally arrived! The notarised deed is when the new buyer acquires the property under the aegis of a notary. The deed is said to be authenticated. It is a deed of sale. The diagnostics will be appended to the deed. If the property is co-owned, the last 3 minutes of the general meeting must be submitted, along with the co-ownership regulations and the descriptive inventory of division.

4.8/5 - (1264 votes)
Laurent Paule
Laurent Paule
I made an appointment with Maître Zakine for a 1-hour consultation in his office. I needed clarification regarding a dispute with my trustee. Punctual and courteous, Maître Zakine took my problem into consideration and proved to be very professional, giving me excellent advice. I initially thought that we would have covered the issue in half an hour; but the hour ultimately passed quickly. To be recommended without reservation.
Thomas Liebig
Thomas Liebig
Video Kosultation wie sie sein sollte - sehr einfaches Buchungssystem, Zahlung mit Paypal, Erinnerung per Email, technische Abwicklung sehr gut, gute Verständigung. Inhaltlich also sehr zielführend. Die Beratung erfolgte auf Englisch, was in Frankreich keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist, hier aber exzellent funktioniert hat. Ist rundum zu empfehlen, insbesondere für eine erste Kontaktaufnahme und Eingangsberatung. Ich werde es wieder nutszen.
Maître Zakine is very professional. I recommend this person to help you with your legal appeals.
paolo costa
paolo costa
Efficient service, fast and concrete communication. Serious, kind and helpful professional. Very positive experience!!
Charly B.
Charly B.
Maître Zakine has a perfect command of the aspects of CCMI and VEFA contracts. She was able to answer my questions without ambiguity. 👍
Emmanuel Baudino
Emmanuel Baudino
Maître Céline Zakine was very efficient, her wise advice was very useful to me and I thank her for her caring support, her empathy and her professionalism.
Cyril Soulier
Cyril Soulier
Very good lawyer gives the best advice in any situation! Moreover, we can say that he is a pugnacious lawyer! Thank you for accompanying me during my dispute!
Very professional, competent and responsive
Samia B
Samia B
Really helpful lawyer who will take the time to explain everything in details.She will not overcharge unnecessary.Recommending for any issue you may have with your tenants.Thank you!
Joe Nookye
Joe Nookye
I contacted Me Zakine for a difficult matter. I am satisfied to have benefited from his services. I highly recommend this advice
Wenchao Zhao
Wenchao Zhao
very professional!
Sofia Ouahbi
Sofia Ouahbi
Master Zakine listens and gives good advice, I recommend
Between 2 Genepi (entre2genepi)
Between 2 Genepi (entre2genepi)
Pugnacious lawyer! Helped a lot with our problem on Worthy Baths. We recommend to 100%
Nino Abeade
Nino Abeade
Thank you for your GDPR intervention in Paris! Pugnacious lawyer I recommend
Laurent Praud
Laurent Praud
Thank you again Master for your responsiveness and efficiency. I dealt with this lawyer in the context of a Parisian case. The lawyer followed the file perfectly and the outcome was in our favor. Best wishes
Oro “Oro Pa” Pa
Oro “Oro Pa” Pa
Thanks to Master Zakine for his intervention in Metz.
antonin debono
antonin debono
Was able to help us in our efforts and immediately understood our problem. Very competent and warm. I highly recommend.
alain carrere
alain carrere
Ms. ZAKINE is of impeccable professionalism, a lawyer who listens and guides you and supports you throughout the case. Thank you for coming to Toulouse.
William Bianchi
William Bianchi
I confirm the great professionalism of Maître ZAKINE, who was able to listen to my problem and quickly direct me towards precise and effective actions.
Gilles Fraysse
Gilles Fraysse
Excellent contact and excellent involvement from Maître Zakine, including during the first advice-taking videoconference. I can highly recommend him!