Co-ownership lawyer Paris - Property law
Mr. Zakine,
Doctor of Law
Intervenes in the Paris region

Co-ownership lawyer in Paris, Maître Zakine, Doctor of Law, Lawyer and Lecturer at the University of Nice, can help you with all your property and co-ownership law needs.
The fields are varied, as well, concerning the construction of a new building, contestation of a general assembly, or any dispute specific to the co-ownership.
Maître Zakine also acts for co-ownership disputes in Paris .
Managing conflict within a co-ownership for a lawyerIn addition to legal assistance, the association provides assistance to the syndic and the conseil syndical to help manage major disputes (non-payment of condominium charges).
Master Zakine comes regularly to the Paris region, she is a lawyer and Doctor of Law.
A connected lawyer, making your life easier
It operates throughout France. It uses tools (electronic signature, video, e-mail, telephone) that allow you to work without worrying about distance.
A specialist lawyer, doctor of law, holder of two Masters degrees, Maître Zakine operates throughout the Paris region.
Calling on an expert in property law and VEFA, with a strong co-ownership practice, is your assurance of defend your rights in the best possible way.

Cities like Paris are full of condominiums, both residential and condominium buildings. The role of the syndic is to manage and administer co-ownerships with professionalism and in compliance with the Law of 10 July 1965.
Buildings of standing in Paris or the Paris region require very sound management, as they are often used exclusively for residential purposes. Co-owners in Paris or the Ile de France want a lot of peace and quiet.
Trustee firms in Paris or the Ile-de-France region must be assisted by lawyers specializing in co-ownership law.
Parisian condominium owners aspire to well-being within their condominiums, which allows them to escape the hectic Parisian life!
The choice of a co-ownership management company in Paris 1, Paris 6, Paris 7, Paris 12, Paris 13, Paris 16, Paris 17, Paris 18, rue de londres is crucial both financially and in terms of the management and maintenance of the co-ownership by the management company.
A flat in Paris, yes! but in the right conditions! Choose quiet areas like Saint Germain des Prés (Paris 6) or the Marais (Paris 4) to play the bobos or have brunch with friends or family on Sundays!
But there's no question of being bothered by a neighbourhood dispute, abnormal neighbourhood disturbances or work that doesn't comply with the timetable specified in the contract. rules of procedurebreaches of the co-ownership regulations.
Me ZAKINE accompanies Both co-owners and co-ownership managers on all the issues that arise in co-ownership:
- recovery of co-ownership charges,
- calls for funds,
- co-owner who wishes to rent out airbnb when the co-ownership contains an exclusive residential clause,
- reinstatement of illegal private works after a warning has been issued by the trustee and a report drawn up by a court commissioner.
Maître Zakine consults by video, telephone and in person at his office (Google Meet, Zoom,...).
Avcat condominium law Paris
The right Real estate is a complex and highly specific area of law. To deal with your property problems in Paris, you need to call on the services of a legal counsel who knows the industry inside out. The areas of right Real estate law is complex, so it's crucial to use an experienced lawyer. We'll tell you how to find an excellent real estate lawyer in Paris. Here are the advantages of hiring a legal counsel Paris real estate and how to choose it. Read on!
Are you looking for a co-ownership lawyer in Paris or elsewhere in France? Look no further! Maitre Zakine, a Doctor of Law, is a leading lawyer based in AntibesWe work throughout France, including Paris, to provide you with high-quality legal expertise.
When it comes to problems related to co-ownership, clients seeking a lawyer may encounter a variety of legal difficulties and specific needs. Whether it is disputes with the co-owners' association, the drafting or modification of the co-ownership regulations, the recovery of unpaid charges, the equitable distribution of charges, neighborhood disturbances or even the need for legal expertise, Master Zakine is there to support you every step of the way.
As a lawyer specializing in co-ownership, Master Zakine has solid experience in the field and is qualified to provide sound advice and solutions tailored to your specific problems. She understands the importance of a fair distribution of charges within the co-ownership and will do her utmost to protect your rights.
Based in Antibes, Maitre Zakine works throughout France, particularly in Paris, to assist clients with their co-ownership legal needs. Whether you need help with drawing up the agenda for the general meetingsYou can count on our expertise and dedication when it comes to drafting or amending co-ownership regulations, recovering unpaid charges, resolving neighbourhood problems or assisting with a legal appraisal.
Do not hesitate to contact Maitre Zakine, lawyer specializing in co-ownership, to obtain personalized legal advice and professional support, whether in Paris or throughout France.

Is a lawyer specialising in co-ownership law in Paris ?
Condominiums are a relatively new development in the real estate market, having only become established in recent decades. Condominiums are units that form part of a larger building or complex of buildings. They enable people who cannot afford to buy a property to live there by sharing it with others. As such, they come with many legal complexities that ordinary property does not. A lawyer specialising in condominiums in Paris can help you navigate these complexities and protect your interests as a landlord. Read on to find out more about what a co-ownership lawyerThe different types of lawyers who practise in this area, and the different services they offer.
What is a co-ownership?
A condominium is a type of residential property developed and owned by an association of individuals. Condominiums are often built in high-density residential areas and are characterized by the ownership or shared use of a certain unit and the associated maintenance of that unit. Condominiums are private residential properties owned by an association governed by a declaration and condominium legislation. A condominium is a type of ownership similar to a co-operative. The main difference between a condominium and a co-operative is that in a condominium, each unit (called a "dwelling unit") is owned separately by the unit owner and the association (or "owners' corporation"). This means that each owner and the association have different rights and responsibilities, and decisions must be made by both parties.
Types of co-ownership
- Residents' property: Owners receive the right to use part of the building and the association's facilities. - Common ownership: Owners have ownership rights to their part of the building. This can be done after a certain period of time or if certain conditions are met. - Cooperative ownership: The building is owned by an association of owners, and the owners benefit from certain common areas and services of the building, such as common area space, security and recreational areas. - Co-ownership: Ownership of the building is held by a couple or family who both own an equal share of the property and have joint rights and responsibilities. - Partial ownership: Ownership of the building is held by one individual who owns an equal share of the building, and each room in the building is owned by that individual. - Cooperative arrangement: Owners who have purchased a unit in a cooperative may wish to change their ownership arrangements.
Why did you need for a lawyer specialising in condominiums in Paris?
The laws and regulations governing co-ownership are complex and constantly changing. Owners must familiarize themselves with these laws and regulations and ensure that they comply with them. If your unit is affected by a court ruling on these laws and regulations, you may need a professional. lawyer specialising in condominiums to help you navigate the process and protect your interests. A condominium lawyer can provide you with advice and information on the laws and regulations that affect your unit. If something happens in your condominium, such as a leak or insurance claim, you'll want to know how these laws and regulations apply to your unit. You may need to make a repair request, file an insurance claim or keep your home dry and safe. A a lawyer specialising in condominiums can advise you how these laws and regulations affect you, how to manage the situation and what your options are.
Who can practice law in a condominium?
The associate lawyers, independent partner lawyers and in-house lawyers can all represent co-owners in the context of a co-ownership.. However, there are certain rules and restrictions that distinguish these types of lawyers from one another. Associate lawyers may represent only one client per unit and per transaction. If you own an apartment building, you can have one lawyer-associate handle all your transactions. Independent lawyer-partners may represent more than one client per transaction. However, they must be careful when handling condominium transactions, as the law authorizes them to represent more than one client per transaction. co-ownership lawyers to participate in certain aspects of a transaction. In-house lawyers may represent several clients, provided that they do not represent more than one client per transaction.

Disputes related to co-ownership law
Whether it is between owners, tenants, lessors or builders, the difficulties linked to real estate are numerous and can be very varied. Disputes properties can be caused by errors in contracts, construction defects, problems with neighbourhood or property issues.
Property disputes are often complicated and time-consuming to resolve.
A lawyer can also help to avoid litigation, which is often more cost-effective than going to court.
The conflicts can occur between owners, tenants and other stakeholders. Real estate disputes can be resolved in a number of ways, such as through a arbitration amicable between the parties concerned.
The advantages of having a lawyer specialised in law real estate
Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, a lawyer can help you draft leases, negotiate contracts and resolve any type of dispute. A lawyer specialised in law immobilier is also qualified to handle disputes between landlords and tenants, as well as all other matters. legal related to real estate.
The Real estate lawyers are trained to provide practical and relevant legal advice to clients seeking a quick and effective solution to problems they encounter. Cannes is a French coastal town in the Alpes-Maritimes department.
Lawyers can assist in drafting contracts, negotiating real estate transactions and resolving any type of litigation related to real estate.
As a legal counsel real estate, I am specialized in the management of disputes I can help you to obtain the best possible real estate financing and to organise your successions. I can help you to obtain the best real estate financing and to organise your successions.
Frequently asked questions
My neighbour has built a veranda that blocks part of my view of the Eiffel Tower and, what's more, he didn't get permission.
I point out to him that we're in a luxury building in Paris 7, close to the Rodin Museum, and that it doesn't matter.
The furious neighbour demanded that the trustee draw up a statement of facts and that legal proceedings be brought before the Paris Court of First Instance to have the veranda removed and the premises restored.
The Court ordered the neighbour to remove the veranda under a fine of €500 per day and ordered him to pay €2,000 in legal costs.
The co-owners of Paris 7, like those of Paris 6, Paris 8, Paris 16 and Paris 17, are clearly not letting up!
Me ZAKINE is involved in this type of procedure following a dispute in a co-ownership in Paris.
How to choose a lawyer for your co-ownership?
The lawyer in condominium law is, in general terms, a property lawyer and very often also a lawyer specialising in construction law.
A lawyer's skills in co-ownership law should enable him to :
- to provide the best possible advice and support to the trustee so that he does not incur any liability,
- provide the best possible advice and support to the condominium association to ensure that the rules are complied with and that the association's liability, which is even greater than that of the condominium association, is not incurred.
In the majority of cases, the co-ownership lawyer is chosen by the co-ownership trustee himself, which explains why most of the time this same lawyer is used to working with the co-ownership trustee in question.
In reality, however, it is the Syndicat des copropriétaires that must choose the co-ownership's lawyer.
He is chosen for his expertise in co-ownership law, the bond of trust he has established with co-owners, and his willingness to resolve disputes amicably before taking legal action.
It is also his reputation for expertise in co-ownership law that makes it so easy to use his services.
Me ZAKINE's skills have been honed over the years by advising syndic's and managing co-ownerships in their entirety.
The Trade Union Council can also collaborate with Mr ZAKINE in his role of advising and monitoring the trade union.
Although Me ZAKINE is often called in by co-owners' associations to settle a dispute, she can also be appointed by the co-owners, who can instruct the co-ownership association to appoint her, either through the president of the council or by a vote of the co-ownership council. co-ownership to choose the right lawyer than another.
Therefore, in the event of disagreement between the syndic and the co-owners over the appointment of a lawyer, Me ZAKINE may be appointed by the Conseil syndical.

→ Can I be accompanied by my co-ownership lawyer in Paris at the co-ownership general meeting?
In principle, a transfer by a shareholders' meeting is not open to third parties.
Access to the General Meeting is limited to just a few people.
There are the members by right, i.e. the co-owners, but also the co-ownership manager and, in some cases, scrutineers responsible for ensuring that the general meeting runs smoothly, assisting the meeting chairman, checking mandates and ensuring that votes are counted correctly.
However, this ban on the arrival of third parties general meetings can be nuanced.
The presence of a lawyer at the general meeting, for example, is permitted.
The lawyer may have obtained a power of attorney from his client in order to attend the General Meeting.
They will therefore be able to vote in accordance with their customer's voting instructions and, of course, after discussing the strategic voting choices with the customer.
In this respect, the lawyer will not hesitate to point out to his client that if he subsequently intends to contest a resolution of the general meeting, he will have to vote "against" or be considered as "in default", i.e. having been neither present nor represented.
In its capacity as co-ownership council, it often attends general meetings of co-owners to report on work in progress, ongoing proceedings, recovery actions, the life of the co-ownership and any problems that may have arisen during the year.
→ When should you call on the services of a lawyer specialising in co-ownership in Paris?
Co-ownership by its nature is extremely subject to conflicts of interest between the different co-owners.
These conflicts are generally of 3 different types:
- Non-compliance with neighbourhood rules,
- Failure to maintain and carry out co-ownership works (article 9 of the law of 10 July 1965).
- subject relating to the overall expenses of the co-ownership (article 10 paragraph 3 of the law of 10 July 1965),
. Water damage,
. Sinister,
. Problem with water meters,
. Difficulties linked to the tantièmes after the neighbour's extension work,
. Change of use of common areas,
. Recovery of co-ownership charges.
The Law firm of Me ZAKINE works throughout France, particularly in Paris, Paris 1, Paris 2, Paris 3, Paris 4, Paris 5, Paris 6, Paris 7, Paris 8, Paris 9, Paris 10, Paris 11, Paris 12, Paris 13, Paris 14, Paris 15, Paris 16, Paris 17, Paris 18, Paris 19, Paris 20 and in the Ile-de-France region (e.g. 92 and 95), in the field of co-ownership law, assisting both management firms and co-owners who are experiencing difficulties with their co-ownership.