Master Zakine :

Property lawyer Paris
Doctor of Law
Lecturer at the university

Real estate lawyer in Paris

Real estate lawyer in Paris, Maître Zakine is a lawyer who practices real estate law and day-to-day co-ownership law.

He is a very experienced lawyer who has worked on high profile cases over the years.

She is passionate about helping her clients achieve the best possible results for their real estate and condominium disputes, and her expertise and dedication are recognized by her clients.

Her knowledge and experience make her an invaluable asset when it comes to navigating the legal and financial aspects of real estate and property law. co-ownership.

Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, Mr. Zakine will provide you with the advice you need to make informed decisions and ensure that your rights are protected.

Doctorate in law, lawyer and lecturer at the University of NiceMaître Zakine is based near Nice but works throughout France and specifically in Paris where she regularly intervenes.

Property lawyer Paris

Master Zakine – Doctor of Law

Real estate lawyer in Paris

Real estate lawyer Paris, Master Zakine is a lawyer who practices real estate law and co-ownership law. on a daily basis.

With a doctorate in law, Maître Zakine works throughout France and specifically in Paris where she regularly works and in the Paris region for her VEFA files, CCMI and legal files land.


Being lawyer with a real estate law practice everywhere in France, here are some examples of practical cases that Maître Zakine can handle in his office.
She can help her clients to settle their disputes amicably or, if necessary, she can represent her clients in court.

  • Eviction of a tenant
  • Co-ownership law
  • Drafting of the co-ownership regulations.
  • Internal condominium conflict
  • Support for general meetings
  • Request for work at a general meeting
  • Contesting a General Assembly
  • Dispute between co-owners
  • Support for trustee firms
  • Support for the Trade Union Council
  • Construction expertise in the context of co-ownership
  • Real estate sales contract
Real estate lawyer in Paris

Example of disputes handled in Paris by Me Zakine, real estate lawyer:


-Disputes relating to the use of common areas.
-Disputes related to the use of private parts.
-Noise and nuisance disputes.
Disputes relating to the co-ownership regulations.
-Litigation related to works and repairs.
-Disputes related to the management of condominium funds.
–  vefa delay (read the article by the way)



The different real estate law problems you may have in Paris are


-Disputes related to the sale or purchase of a property.
-Disputes relating to the lease contract.
-Disputes relating to tenants' and landlords' rights.
-Disputes relating to easements and rights of way.
-Litigation related to tax and legal obligations in the field of real estate.
-Litigation related to real estate construction and renovation.
-Litigation related to the delay in the VEFA in Bordeaux

In more detail, this gives :

  1. Property sale issues: disputes can arise when selling a property, such as warranty issues or non-conformity.
  2. Tenancy disputes: tenancy disputes can arise between tenants and landlords, including repairs, unpaid rent and neighbourhood problems.
  3. Neighbourhood disputes: Neighbourhood disputes can occur when neighbours disagree on issues such as noise, odours and the use of the neighbouring property.
  4. Expropriation: Expropriation is the taking of a person's property by a public authority. Disputes can arise when the value of the compensation offered is not considered fair.
  5. Condominium disputes: Condominium disputes can arise when co-owners disagree about the use or management of the property.

It is important to work with a legal counsel in Paris to help resolve these disputes efficiently and fairly.


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