Real estate lawyer VEFA Grasse| Me Zakine, Doctor of Law

Real estate lawyer Grasse, Maître Zakine, Doctor of Law, Lawyer and Lecturer at the University of Nice in Law, can help you in all matters relating to real estate law.

The areas are varied, both in terms of the construction of new buildingthat of delay VEFA.

Lawyer for co-ownership and real estate law

Maître Zakine also intervenes in co-ownership conflicts in Allauch. Managing a conflict within a co-ownership for a lawyer means providing assistance to the syndic and the union council to help manage heavy disputes (non-payment of co-ownership charges) than legal assistance.

She is an expert in real estate litigation and intervenes regularly in the city of Grasse and the Grasse region. She can help you deal with damage problems, for example.

Maître Zakine comes regularly to Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, it is lawyer and Doctor of Law.

A connected lawyer, making your life easier

It operates throughout France. It uses tools (electronic signature, video, e-mail, telephone) that allow you to work without worrying about distance.

Specialist lawyer, doctor of lawWith two Masters degrees, Maître Zakine works in Allauch

Calling on an expert in property law and VEFA, with a strong co-ownership practice, is your assurance of defend your rights in the best possible way.

Real estate lawyer grasse

The Law firm Me Zakine is near Grasse. It is based in Antibes and operates throughout France ( BordeauxMarseille, Paris, Rennes, Lille,...)

She consults by video, telephone and in her office (Google Meet, Zoom,...).

His skills allow him to help you in different areas of property law and knows the city of Grasse well.

So if you are looking for a firm in right real estate or condominium law, Me Zakine can help you. 



For example, she is involved in the recovery of co-ownership charges and evictions, but can also intervene in VEFA purchases or neighbour disputes. She is familiar with co-ownership properties in Grasse and regularly goes to Grasse where she can meet you. 

Maître Zakine is at your disposal through his law firm.

You can already make an appointment with her online for a quick first consultation.

Cécile Zakine's office is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact us.


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