10 things you need to know to challenge planning permission, with or without a lawyer

1. A solid foundation of technical and legal skills

Building permits and subdivision permits are administrative authorisations issued by the relevant authorities, usually the town hall or the prefect. They permit the construction of buildings or the division of a plot of land into several lots for sale, respectively. These authorisations are issued after an in-depth study of the applications submitted, taking into account the planning regulations in force.

Lawyer contesting a subdivision permit
Lawyer to challenge planning permission

Legal support is necessary, but the procedure is a trap

Contesting a building or subdivision permit is not a trivial process. It requires in-depth knowledge of planning law, administrative procedure rules and relevant case law. This is where the expertise of a doctor of law, capable of analyzing the situation with unparalleled acuity and precision.

3. Who can challenge a building or subdivision permit?

The first question to ask is whether the appeal is admissible. Only certain categories of persons or entities have the right to challenge. These include the State, local authorities, certain associations and neighbours, provided they have an interest in bringing an action. Interest in bringing an action is a legal concept which means that the applicant must be directly affected by the contested decision.

Lawyer contesting a subdivision permit
Attacking the neighbour's licence lawyer


4. Grounds for challenge

The grounds for contesting a decision can be many and varied. They may relate to formal defects, such as a failure to post a notice or an error in notification. They may also relate to substantive defects, such as a failure to comply with planning regulations or an error of assessment on the part of the administrative authority.

5. The importance of display

Displaying the permit on the land concerned is a crucial step. It is from this posting that the two-month period for contesting begins. However, this posting must comply with certain rules, otherwise the appeal will be inadmissible.

6. The crucial role of the lawyer in urban planning law

In this legal maze, the assistance of a specialist lawyer is often essential. Cécile Zakine has a doctorate in law and recognised expertise in this field. Her in-depth knowledge of legislation, case law and the subtleties of the procedure make her a valuable ally for anyone wishing to challenge a permit.

7. Penalties for abusive recourse

It is important to note that not all appeals are admissible. If a person cannot justify their interest in contesting or if their appeal is deemed abusive, they may be ordered to pay damages to the permit holder.

8. Mediation as an alternative

Before considering legal action, it may be wise to explore other avenues, such as mediation. Cécile Zakine's experience and mastery of the law enable her to help her clients find amicable solutions, thereby avoiding the hazards of litigation.

9. Conclusion: The importance of an informed approach

Contesting a building or subdivision permit is a complex process, which requires an informed and rigorous approach. With the help of an expert like Maître Cécile Zakine, doctor of law, the chances of success are significantly increased. Her expertise, her rigor and her ability to listen are all assets that make her a partner of choice in this type of approach.

10. Resources and contacts

Anyone wishing to find out more, or considering contesting a planning permission, is strongly advised to contact an expert in planning law. Cécile Zakine, a doctor of law, is available to help and advise you in this process.

This text, although concise, provides an overview of how to challenge building and subdivision permits, while highlighting the expertise of Cécile Zakine. It is essential to remember that each situation is unique and that a consultation This personalised approach is often necessary to understand all the subtleties of a particular case.

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