Lawyer Doctor of Law
Environmental Law
Water - Air - Waste

A lawyer specialising in environmental law in Antibes who works throughout France, Ms Zakine wrote her doctoral thesis on REACH, the environmental legislation stemming from European law.

She is an expert in Reach and environmental law – cosmetics. Maître Zakine is registered with the Grasse bar, she practices in Nice Sophia Antipolis and is fully familiar with the workings of legal proceedings. She is environmental law attorney in the Alpes Maritimes (06) but operates throughout France.

Well-versed in the practices of the public service, Maître Zakine is a lawyer member of the Grase Bar. She gives legal advice in court proceedings/

Environmental law is an area of law that aims to protect the environment and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. It covers a wide range of issues, from pollution to biodiversity conservation to renewable energy.

Environmental law is governed by a set of national and international laws and regulations that aim to protect the environment and prevent pollution. These laws may be adopted by national governments or by international organisations such as the European Union or the United Nations.

Environmental lawyers are responsible for representing individuals or companies involved in environmental litigation. They may also be responsible for advising companies on environmental regulations and how to comply with them.

Environmental law is becoming increasingly important as environmental problems become more and more serious. Air and water pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss are all problems that require immediate action. Environmental law plays a crucial role in tackling these problems and promoting sustainable practices.

If you are involved in an environmental dispute or are looking for a better understanding of the environmental regulations in force, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer specialised in law of the environment. They can advise you and help you defend your interests. rights and protect the environment.

Environmental Lawyer

A the Institute of Advanced International Studies as part of the IHEI's conference debates,

Lawyer vefa real estate law

Ms. Zakine intervened on the5 November 2022. 


An International Right to Water 

12 Place du Panthéron.

Read the text of his speech

You can make an appointment to discuss Reach issues, environmental protection (water, litter, etc.), protection of employees exposed to hazardous substances, etc. occupational hazards and all chemical environmental problems.

Its strong expertise in RGPD personal data (it has supported by companies on the subject) will also be able to help you with the usual contacts (Water Police, DREAL, etc.).

Using a legal counsel is to be sure that your skills will be useful for your company and your organisation.

She is used to dealing with public entities and working in mixed public and private environments.

She has a thorough knowledge of the regulations governing classified facilities, building permits, etc. build and the problem of noise pollution from industry. It helps them to contextualise

Me Zakine works throughout France on this issue. She uses tools that enable remote working (electronic signature, video, private cloud, etc.). She works in the region nice sophia antipolis. Maître Zakine practices environmental law.

Environmental lawyer

Environmental Lawyer - Water - Air - Waste issues

You can make an appointment on the subject of Reach issues, environmental protection issues (water, litter,...) protection of employees exposed to occupational risks and all chemical environmental issues.

Its strong expertise in personal data RGPD (she has helped companies on this subject) means that she can also help you in this area with the usual contacts (Water Police, DREAL, etc.).

Using a legal counsel is to be sure that your skills will be useful for your company and your organisation.

She is used to dealing with public entities and working in mixed public and private environments.

She is very familiar with the regulations on classified installations, building permits and the problem of noise pollution from industrialists. She helps them to contextualise

Ms Zakine is available throughout France to deal with these issues. She uses tools that enable remote working (electronic signature, video, private cloud, etc.). She works in the Nice-Sophia Antipolis region. Maître Zakine practises law of the environment.

Articles and contributions to collective works on the environmental theme

(non-exhaustive list)

"Does the REACH regulation protect the consumer? European Journal of Consumer LawNo. 2012/3, September 2012. 

"The REACH Regulation: advantages and disadvantages for companies", in Business life in relation to environmental protection: between constraints and opportunitiesC. VERDURE (coord.), Actes du colloque du Jeune barreau de Liège, Limal, Anthémis, 1er June 2012. 

"The implementation of the REACH Regulation: a review of the main developments, J.D.E., n° 199, Vol. 2013/4, 5/2013, in collaboration with C. VERDURE. 

"The risks arising from the implementation of the REACH Regulation: in search of adequate legal protection, in Practices unfair trade: selected issues, C. VERDURE (ed.), Brussels, Larcier, 2013. 

Scientific expertise under European environmental regulations in the service of the environmental law revolution. Towards a right to a healthy environment as a human right, in Scientific revolution, legal revolution: towards a fundamentalization of environmental law? Proceedings of the conference, University of Aix-Marseille III, Réseau Droit Sciences et Techniques, 2014 

 The Transatlantic Treaty: Fears of a race to the bottom in European regulations : The example of GMOs and chemicals, Larcier (in progress) 

What are the possible disputes in environmental law?

There are many possible disputes in environmental law, ranging from pollution to biodiversity conservation to renewable energy. Some of the most common environmental law disputes are as follows:

  1. Pollution: Pollution is one of the most common environmental disputes. It can be caused by companies, individuals or governments and can have serious consequences for the environment and human health. Visit lawyers specialising in law can represent individuals or companies who are victims of pollution or who are accused of causing it.
  2. Renewable energy: Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular and is seen as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. However, their implementation can sometimes lead to disputes, especially regarding property rights and compensation.
  3. Biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity is the variety of living species on earth and plays a vital role in balancing the environment. Unfortunately, many species are threatened with extinction due to human activity. Visit lawyers specialising in law of the environment can be appointed to represent individuals or organisations committed to protecting biodiversity.
  4. Development projects: Development projects, such as power stations, roads or buildings, can sometimes lead to environmental disputes. Visit lawyers specialising in law may be appointed to represent individuals or companies who are opposed to such projects or who are accused of harming the environment.
  5. Natural resources: The exploitation of natural resources, such as oil, gas or minerals, can sometimes lead to environmental disputes. Environmental lawyers can be called upon to represent individuals or companies who are accused of harming the environment or degrading natural resources.

It is important to note that environmental litigation can be complex and often requires the involvement of environmental lawyers. These lawyers are trained to understand current environmental laws and regulations and to represent individuals or companies involved in environmental litigation.

It is important to take the environment into account in all projects and decisions, in order to avoid environmental law disputes. This can be done by conducting an environmental assessment before starting a project, complying with existing environmental regulations and working with environmental law experts to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect the environment.

It is also important to note that environmental law disputes can be resolved in different ways, including mediation, arbitration or negotiation. Environmental lawyers can be asked to represent the parties involved in these processes and find an amicable solution.

In conclusion, environmental law disputes are frequent and can be caused by many factors, such as pollution, renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, development projects or natural resources. It is important to take the environment into account in all projects and decisions, and to work with experts in the field. lawyers who know the law to avoid and resolve such disputes.

Contact us by filling in this form for any request concerning the skills of Maître Zakine, lawyer in the Alpes-Maritimes.

    4.9/5 - (1258 votes)
    Cristiana Luciani
    Cristiana Luciani
    Consulted for advice on VEFA. Maitre Zakine was a valuable source of information for me. She was also very responsive and available in our discussions.
    Laurent Paule
    Laurent Paule
    I made an appointment with Maître Zakine for a 1-hour consultation in his office. I needed clarification regarding a dispute with my trustee. Punctual and courteous, Maître Zakine took my problem into consideration and proved to be very professional, giving me excellent advice. I initially thought that we would have covered the issue in half an hour; but the hour ultimately passed quickly. To be recommended without reservation.
    Thomas Liebig
    Thomas Liebig
    Video Kosultation wie sie sein sollte - sehr einfaches Buchungssystem, Zahlung mit Paypal, Erinnerung per Email, technische Abwicklung sehr gut, gute Verständigung. Inhaltlich also sehr zielführend. Die Beratung erfolgte auf Englisch, was in Frankreich keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist, hier aber exzellent funktioniert hat. Ist rundum zu empfehlen, insbesondere für eine erste Kontaktaufnahme und Eingangsberatung. Ich werde es wieder nutszen.
    Bastien TOURBEAUX
    Bastien TOURBEAUX
    Maître Zakine is very professional. I recommend this person to help you with your legal appeals.
    paolo costa
    paolo costa
    Efficient service, fast and concrete communication. Serious, kind and helpful professional. Very positive experience!!
    Charly B.
    Charly B.
    Maître Zakine has a perfect command of the aspects of CCMI and VEFA contracts. She was able to answer my questions without ambiguity. 👍
    Emmanuel Baudino
    Emmanuel Baudino
    Maître Céline Zakine was very efficient, her wise advice was very useful to me and I thank her for her caring support, her empathy and her professionalism.
    Cyril Soulier
    Cyril Soulier
    Very good lawyer gives the best advice in any situation! Moreover, we can say that he is a pugnacious lawyer! Thank you for accompanying me during my dispute!
    Very professional, competent and responsive
    Samia B
    Samia B
    Really helpful lawyer who will take the time to explain everything in details.She will not overcharge unnecessary.Recommending for any issue you may have with your tenants.Thank you!
    Joe Nookye
    Joe Nookye
    I contacted Me Zakine for a difficult matter. I am satisfied to have benefited from his services. I highly recommend this advice
    Wenchao Zhao
    Wenchao Zhao
    very professional!
    Sofia Ouahbi
    Sofia Ouahbi
    Master Zakine listens and gives good advice, I recommend
    Between 2 Genepi (entre2genepi)
    Between 2 Genepi (entre2genepi)
    Pugnacious lawyer! Helped a lot with our problem on Worthy Baths. We recommend to 100%
    Nino Abeade
    Nino Abeade
    Thank you for your GDPR intervention in Paris! Pugnacious lawyer I recommend
    Laurent Praud
    Laurent Praud
    Thank you again Master for your responsiveness and efficiency. I dealt with this lawyer in the context of a Parisian case. The lawyer followed the file perfectly and the outcome was in our favor. Best wishes
    Oro “Oro Pa” Pa
    Oro “Oro Pa” Pa
    Thanks to Master Zakine for his intervention in Metz.
    antonin debono
    antonin debono
    Was able to help us in our efforts and immediately understood our problem. Very competent and warm. I highly recommend.
    alain carrere
    alain carrere
    Ms. ZAKINE is of impeccable professionalism, a lawyer who listens and guides you and supports you throughout the case. Thank you for coming to Toulouse.