History of real estate lawyers in Bordeaux, Me Zakine real estate lawyer in Bordeaux

I. Introduction

In the picturesque landscape of Bordeaux, a city of history and heritage, another reality emerges, less visible but just as vibrant: that of real estate law. This branch of law, technical and complex, is the scene of discreet but essential players: real estate lawyers. HAS Bordeaux, ces professionnels du droit se trouvent au cœur de nombreuses transactions et litiges, naviguant habilement entre les méandres de la législation française et les intérêts souvent divergents de leurs clients.

Historically, Bordeaux, with its port and its thriving businesses, has always been a land of property. But owning real estate, in this era where the law is constantly changing, is not an easy task. This is where our central figure comes in: the real estate lawyer in Bordeaux. A true lighthouse in the legislative storm, it lights the way for owners, whether they are sellers or buyers, lessors or tenants.

A. Presentation of the subject

B. Historical context of Bordeaux

vs. Importance of the lawyer in real estate law in this context

II. The Key Role of Lawyers in Law Real estate in Bordeaux and its surroundings

A. Advice and representation of owners

B. Developments in legislation and case law

C. Specific cases where the intervention of the lawyer is fundamental

III. Problems Faced by Real Estate Owners

A. Rental disputes – eviction, non-payment of rent, debts, unsanitary conditions, non-respect of premises, damage

B. Copropriété et gestion des parties communes : litiges, general meetings, parties communes, sinistres, constructions illégales

C. Sale and acquisition of goods: problems linked to hidden defects, easements, poor workmanship, construction defects, fraud, fraudulent information, VEFA (delay, reservations), CCMI (reservations, delay)

IV. The Lawyer Bordeaux Real Estate Law: its essential role in avoiding many disappointments!

A. The lawyer as mediator or conciliator: looking for an amicable solution

B. The lawyer as protector of the owner's rights: tenant disputes, debt recovery, relations with bailiffs

C. L’avocat comme guide dans la complexité administrative et réglementaire : permis de construire, recours contre un permis de construire, analyse des documents VEFA ou CCMI, analyse des contrats de réservation ou acte authentique de vente

The lawyer is thus a pillar in the world of real estate: from the analysis of contracts, to the transaction then to recourse to the courts when necessary, he is an essential player when you want to secure your real estate transactions. His intervention is as valuable as it is essential.

The law firm is listed in the Bar of GrasseAlpes Maritimes. It operates directly throughout the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence and throughout France.. She works regularly in the Paris region, in Lille and in the Paris region. Bordeaux. It explains legal obligations and keeps abreast of current legal information.

The Lawyer must appear as an available interlocutor and answer the client's questions throughout the processing of the file. The firm operates in the Alpes Maritimes region (Antibes, Cannes Grasse, Nice) but also throughout France (Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Paris region, Strasbourg, Nantes, Nancy, PerpignanToulouse, Bezons, Villepinte, Pontoise, Rennes).

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About Cécile Zakine

Lawyer in Antibes, registered with the Grasse Bar. Intervenes throughout France. Labour law, Litigation at work. Real estate litigation and co-ownership law. Construction problems (VEFA,..)Fast, motivated and committed response. Do not hesitate to contact the lawyer in Antibes: Maitre Zakine. or to make an appointment online for a consultation.
Possible consultation 45€/ 30 min by phone for a first consultation