Lawyer vefa real estate law


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The ideal place to build a career and establish yourself is in Bordeaux. The Bordeaux region is bursting with activities and opportunities. Attractive, it is a city of culture, gastronomy and leisure. There are a number of public schools offering a wide variety of higher education courses, and many of them have diplomas recognised by the French state. A cosmopolitan city with brand new historic town centres such as Saint-Émilion, Pauillac and Mérignac. You'll find everything you need for a career in real estate: the financial opportunities are immense and the environment is excellent for the quality of life of the future occupants of the property you buy 😉 In this article, we're going to explain what it means to be a real estate agent in Paris. Bordeaux (or any other place in France).



What is a real estate lawyer in Bordeaux?

The real estate lawyers ne sont pas des avocats au sens classique du terme. Ils ne sont pas rattachés à une quelconque faculté de droit. Ce sont plutôt des professionnels spécialisés qui travaillent exclusivement dans les transactions immobilières afin de trouver le meilleur moyen d’atteindre les objectifs de leur client. Si vous souhaitez travailler dans le domaine de l’immobilier et que vous cherchez à exercer dans une région offrant d’excellentes perspectives, alors Bordeaux est un excellent choix. Les avocats en droit immobilier peuvent exercer partout en France, mais leur activité principale se situe dans la région de Bordeaux. Ils peuvent également exercer dans d’autres régions de France, comme la région parisienne, où l’immobilier est le plus lucratif. Cependant, la plupart des property lawyers working in Bordeaux. Real estate, the buying and selling of residential and commercial properties, is the most versatile and rewarding business there is. Therefore, being lawyer in real estate law in Bordeaux is an enviable profession.


Is it necessary to be a real estate lawyer in Bordeaux?

You don't need to be legal counsel Bordeaux, but it's a good idea to get an introduction to the profession. If you're interested in the profession, it's worth considering the advantages of pursuing a career real estate lawyer in Bordeaux. Apart from the financial opportunities, which are very good indeed, a career in real estate is a very dynamic and interesting business. You'll meet lots of people in the course of marketing and selling property. You'll also have the opportunity to travel a lot, taking advantage of the short distances between regions.


Training and skills required to be a real estate lawyer in Bordeaux:

To be real estate lawyer in Bordeaux, il est nécessaire d’être membre d’un institut du droit. Vous devrez donc passer votre examen du barreau puis la procédure d’admission de l’institut du droit de votre région. Dans la Bordeaux region, il existe plusieurs écoles immobilières dont le Centre de Formation Professionnelle des Conseils Immobiliers (CFPI) est la principale institution. Ils proposent un programme de formation juridique de 3 ans qui vous permet de devenir membre de l’institut du droit. Au cours de cette formation, vous devrez étudier les different areas of real estate law. Vous devrez également participer aux formations de l’institut qui sont proposées régulièrement afin de vous tenir au courant des dernières évolutions du property law.


Society for the training and practice of real estate law in Bordeaux.

Il existe une entreprise qui propose la formation et la pratique du droit immobilier à Bordeaux. Le CFPI est la principale institution qui forme les avocats de la région bordelaise. Si vous voulez être membre de l’institut du droit et pratiquer le droit immobilier dans la région de Bordeaux, il est intéressant d’étudier au CFPI. Le CFPI est un institut de premier plan reconnu par le Conseil Supérieur de l’Administration Générale et Paritaire (CSAG) qui vous donne accès aux règles spécifiques d’admission à l’institut.


Real estate is an extremely lucrative and very exciting business. THE real estate lawyers have excellent future prospects with very high incomes. If the profession interests you, it is worth pursuing a career as a real estate lawyer in Bordeaux.

Me Zakine works all over France: Antibes, Grasse, Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Ile de France, Neuilly sur Seine, Boulogne, Villepinte, Bezons, Pontoise, Toulon, Dijon, Bordeaux, Saint Tropez, le Var, Draguignan, Perpignan, Mont de Marsan, Rennes, Nantes, Strasbourg, Nancy or Metz and Thionville.

Don't hesitate to contact Me Zakine, who will be able to advise you on all these issues.

Ms Zakine will also be available to you by videoconference, which you can arrange at your convenience via her website:

Maître Zakine holds a doctorate in law and is a member of the Grasse Bar.
Her practice is based in Antibes, but she works throughout France, particularly in BordeauxMetz, Thionville, Strasbourg, Saint-Tropez, Paris, Ile de France, Mont de Marsan, Lyon, Lille, Marseille and the entire Var department.
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About This admin

Lawyer in Antibes, registered with the Grasse Bar. Intervenes throughout France. Labour law, Litigation at work. Real estate litigation and co-ownership law. Construction problems (VEFA,..)Fast, motivated and committed response. Do not hesitate to contact the lawyer in Antibes: Maitre Zakine. or to make an appointment online for a consultation.