Responsibilities and obligations of the employer

Prohibition of all forms of harassment, prohibition of discrimination and advice on equal treatment.

Sanctioning another employee who commits harassment :

Support in the event of moral or sexual harassment (initial emergency intervention and contact with the manager to put a stop to the behaviour, contact with the manager or his or her counsel to analyse the situation in detail.

Analysis of the effective application by the employer of its obligation to occupational risk prevention

Support in cases of unequal treatment.

Accompanying the employee in the event of discrimination during the performance of his or her contract or in the event of termination of his or her employment contract.

Accompaniment before the labour courts in the event of contestation of dismissal (dismissal for professional inadequacy, for lack of work, etc.) misconduct or dismissal for economic reasons)

Supporting the employee in the event of a decision to terminate employment due to serious misconduct on the part of the employer.

Assistance in matters of contractual termination or negotiation of the termination of the employment contract (drawing up of a transactional protocol).

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